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Enhance the mexican scene in any technical, musical or professional aspect, taking care of what's in the interest of the musicians and the public.
To share and teach anything I can for anyone who asks, in order to make this industry better and more united.


Contribute in the tech development for music and artists so it continues growing and so the mexican music industry .
Contribute to the mexican scene in order to make it better, following the right steps to make it the best experience in the world for everyone involved.


I am passionate about programming, event production and concept construction for artists.
Ability to handle all types of recurring musical production and capacity for problem solving in all working conditions platforms, including work under pressure such as been recording engineer of different groups invited to ITESM Campus Santa Te or Live Audio engineer at events like the NOISE Congress in school and some little concerts.
I studied Engineering in Digital Music Production in Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe.

Areas of Expertise

Studio Recording


2014-2016 Recording Sessions at ITESM CSF
Function: As Recording Engineer / Production Assistant / Recording Assistant 
I´ve been the recording engineer for a while in some productions of independent artists.
Sometimes were singles, sometimes full CD's.
2014-2016 Translation of Programming Manuals 
Function: Translator
I worked with a team in order to get translated some programming books that weren't available in spanish such as  Pure Data or Supercollider manuals.


Basic Programming / Max MSP, PureData, Faust, Javascript, C++, p5 and others.
I have basic knowledge of diversal programming languages, most of them oriented to artists and musicians.
I've developed some plugins and some videogames.
Production and Event Management / Audio Live, Congresses
Experience in management and production of medium events in the country.
Live audio engineer of such events formed by competitions, conferences, master classes, among others.
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